Solutions and insights

Use our corporate insights and engagement tools to discover, analyse and connect with Africa's private sector

Opportunities for African Businesses

Work with our partners to access financing and better integrate your African business into global markets

Engage with African Businesses

Identify leading companies via initiatives run by investment firms, multinationals and development partners

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Investment Opportunities in Africa

Asoko Insight and its partners are vetting and funding opportunities from Africa's most exciting companies

Prosper Africa

The Prosper Africa Virtual DealRoom is a U.S. Government initiative to curate select investment opportunities for U.S. investors. Asoko and its partner, Crossboundary, run the DealRoom and provide investors and African businesses with deal facilitation support.

Prosper Africa's mandate is to bring together services and resources from across the U.S. Government to help businesses and investors learn about the market, get deal support, and explore financing opportunities.

Gabon Virtual Deal Room

In its quest to diversify and transform its economy, Gabon has made private investment a key lever for increasing investment in its territory.

The Gabon Virtual Deal Room initiative aims to encourage private investors focused on the African continent to seize the many business opportunities in Gabon.

If you are an investor, advisor, event organiser, or business looking to participate in the Asoko's digital engagement offering, get in touch via